【Bruce Lee's Way of Life】Believe in yourself, that is when you are complete
Try to let the inner light guide you out of darkness—no matter what happens, please remember: you are who you are, unique and irreplaceable .Be ...
Read moreWhen life throws obstacles our way, how do we stay cool? Bruce Lee faced a tough time after a spinal injury, pausing his plans for over a year. ...
Read moreKung Fu's uniqueness is in its simplicity and practicality.Bruce Lee emphasized that true mastery isn't about flashy techniques but about achievin...
Read moreBruce Lee's "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" not only teaches martial arts techniques but also offers insightful life principles.He stresses the importance...
Read moreDid you know that Bruce Lee, known for his martial arts skills, was also a talented boxer? On March 29, 1958, while he was still a stude...
Read more李小龍會自1995年成立以來,舉辦過的活動不勝枚舉,現列舉部份較為有代表性的項目,簡介如下: 1995-2000 1995年5月黃耀強先生與志同道合者創辦「香港李小龍會」﹐於香港會議展覽中心舉行成立典禮﹐李振輝先生與周星馳先生同時出任名譽主席。 1995年7月於香港藝術中心四樓包兆龍畫廊...
Read more李小龍會自1995年成立以來,舉辦過的活動不勝枚舉,現列舉部份較為有代表性的項目,簡介如下: 2001-2005 2001年籌辦李小龍會員俱樂部。 2002年11月舉辦會員聚餐﹐以旨慶祝李小龍的62歲誕辰日。 2003年7月在香港藝術中心舉辦「飛龍在天.神話再現——李小龍逝世3...
Read more李小龍會自1995年成立以來,舉辦過的活動,不勝枚舉,現列舉部份較為有代表性的項目,簡介如下: 2006-2010 2006年11月25日與著名玩具創作公司Enterbay Ltd.於尖沙咀廣東道海港城Page One書店展出,由韓國新雋設計師金亨彥(Arnie Kim)設計的李小龍人...
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